Profile Perusahaan PT.Barda Multi Solusion Dengan Konsep Inovation Sustainable merupakan jawaban dari kebutuhan dan kwalitas dankecepatan pelayanan terhadap pelanggan. Berawal dari Specialist Transformer dan General Commissioning Electrical kemudian berkembangan menjadi perusahaan Contractor yang mampu bersaing dalam pengerjaan project-project Mechanical,Electrical. Tidak Hanya itu dengan tenaga skill dan ahli dibidangnya kami juga bersaing dibidang Sipil,Marine,Oil&Gas dan Project-project lainya. Company Profile PT.Barda Multi Solusion With Innovation Sustainable Concepts is the answer to the needs and quality and speed of service to customers. Starting from Specialist Transformer and General Commissioning Electrical then developed into a Contractor company that can compete in the work of projects Mechanical, Electrical. Not only that with skill and experts in the field we also compete in the field of Civil, Marine, Oil & Gas and other projects. ...
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